
Drunk Flying is for the Birds

Cedar Waxwings spend their winters in Texas and sometimes overindulge on fermented berries, causing unusual behavior, experts say. The birds are DUI or should we say FUI, flying under the influence. Cedar Waxwings are known for their social nature, enormous flocks and gorgeous features. "They're a very beautiful bird," said Rachel Richter, an urban wildlife biologist with the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife. "They’re a very eye-catching bird with that black mask. They actually get their name from the little red tips on their wings." But the birds are also known for something else: getting 'drunk' on berries. "Because they eat predominantly berries, sometimes they eat berries that have fermented and are a little bit past their prime," Richter explained. "Sometimes they tend to overindulge a little bit, which can get them intoxicated." The beautiful birds can get disoriented from imbibing the fermented fruit, causing t...

Keeping Cool With the Birds

Air Conditioning and Temperature Changes Birds don't react well with environmental shifts, so try not to let the temperature within their cages to shift dramatically. It's important to keep your bird's cage and perches away from air conditioners, vents and cold drafts. If cold air is continually blowing at your bird, they won't be able to properly regulate their temperature. The damaging effects of constant cold air could result in respiratory problems, pneumonia and feather plucking. Air conditioners also tend to remove the moisture from the air, which can be harmful for your bird. Many birds come from very warm and humid climates, so dry and cold air can be harmful for them. One easy way to help your bird receive some much-needed moisture is through showering and misting. Just as some of us can get chilly in an air-conditioned home, birds can also become stressed and cold. Providing your bird with different ways to become warm is both comforting and cru...